The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department
Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley
Your MP (Jess Phillips) represents you, and all of the people who live in Birmingham Yardley, at the UK Parliament in Westminster.
MPs split their time between Parliament and their constituency. In Parliament, they debate and vote on new laws, review existing laws, and question the Government. In the constituency, their focus is on supporting local people and championing local issues. They have a small staff team who help with casework, maintain their diaries, and monitor their inbox.
Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley
Entered the House of Commons on 8 May 2015 — General election
Also represented Birmingham, Yardley
Jess Phillips campaigned to remain in the European Union Source: BBC
Further details of the Government’s work to tackle Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, including improved data collection on group-based CSE and the scope of Baroness Casey’s audit, will be provided in due course.
The Government is committed to tackling modern slavery, ensuring that victims are provided with the support they need to begin rebuilding their lives and that those responsible are prosecuted. All businesses should monitor their supply chains with rigour to uncover, report where appropriate, and remedy any instances of modern slavery they may find in their operations and supply chains. Under...
Everyone has the right to both feel safe and be safe going about their day-to-day lives. That is why tackling sexual harassment is an important part of this Government’s mission to halve violence against women and girls (VAWG) in a decade. There is a range of legislation that addresses sexual harassment. This includes offences in the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, Public Order Act...
More of Jess Phillips’s recent appearances
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