Tommy Sheppard

Former Scottish National Party MP for Edinburgh East


Voter Identification

There have been votes in Parliament on introducing a requirement for photographic identification to vote at polling stations.

Tommy Sheppard consistently voted against photographic voter identification at polling stations

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TheyWorkForYou has calculated this MP’s stance based on votes we have grouped on this topic. Learn more.

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Major votes

  • On 17 Jan 2022: Tommy Sheppard voted not to require voters in UK Parliamentary elections to produce photo-identification when voting at polling stations. Show vote
  • On 17 Jan 2022: Tommy Sheppard voted not to require the production of identification to vote at a polling station in Parliamentary elections, not to seek to prevent the corrupt use of postal votes and not to allow British Citizens living overseas to vote, even if they have been out of the country for more than fifteen years. Show vote
  • On 7 Sep 2021: Tommy Sheppard voted not to require the production of identification to vote at a polling station in Parliamentary elections, not to seek to prevent the corrupt use of postal votes and not to allow British Citizens living overseas to vote, even if they have been out of the country for more than fifteen years. Show vote
  • On 7 Sep 2021: Tommy Sheppard voted not to require the production of identification to vote at a polling station in Parliamentary elections, not to seek to prevent the corrupt use of postal votes and not to allow British Citizens living overseas to vote, even if they have been out of the country for more than fifteen years. Show vote

Minor votes

  • On 27 Apr 2022: Tommy Sheppard was absent for a vote on Elections Bill — Schedule 1 — Voter Identification — Acceptable Forms of Identification Show vote
  • On 19 May 2021: Tommy Sheppard voted against requiring ID from voters in elections, against measures intended to deter illegal entry into the UK, against legislation to tackle violence, including against women and girls, and against action to support victims and improve internet safety. Show vote

Note for journalists and researchers: The data on this page may be used freely, on condition that is cited as the source.

This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.

Profile photo: © Parliament (CC-BY 3.0)