Jacob Rees-Mogg

Former Conservative MP for North East Somerset

@Jacob_Rees_Mogg https://facebook.com/JacobReesMogg

Tax on Value of Expensive Homes

There have been votes in Parliament on the introduction of a new property tax on expensive homes. Such a tax, popularly dubbed a "mansion tax", would introduce a requirement for those with residential properties worth over a certain amount to pay a fraction of the property's value (or a fraction of its value over a certain amount) to the Government each year.

Photo: Anguskirk

Jacob Rees-Mogg consistently voted against an annual tax on the value of expensive homes (popularly known as a mansion tax)

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TheyWorkForYou has calculated this MP’s stance based on votes we have grouped on this topic. Learn more.

You can browse the source data on PublicWhip.org.uk. We are in the process of moving away from using the PublicWhip and there may be some discrepancies between the two sites.

Major votes

  • On 1 Jul 2013: Jacob Rees-Mogg voted against the reintroduction of a 10% initial rate of income tax paid for by a new property tax. Show vote
  • On 17 Apr 2013: Jacob Rees-Mogg voted against considering a mansion tax Show vote

Minor votes

  • On 4 Sep 2013: Jacob Rees-Mogg voted against calling on the government to get more people into work, bring forward capital investment, introduce a compulsory jobs guarantee, reintroduce a 10% rate of income tax paid for by a mansion tax, act on "rip off" rail fares and soaring energy costs, stand up for families in the private rented sector, reform pensions, curb payday lenders, and reform banking, planning and the skills system. Show vote
  • On 12 Mar 2013: Jacob Rees-Mogg voted against a tax on properties worth over £2 million to fund a tax cut for those on middle and low incomes. Show vote

Note for journalists and researchers: The data on this page may be used freely, on condition that TheyWorkForYou.com is cited as the source.

This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.

Profile photo: © Parliament (CC-BY 3.0)