The Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions
Labour MP for Birkenhead
Your MP (Alison McGovern) represents you, and all of the people who live in Birkenhead, at the UK Parliament in Westminster.
MPs split their time between Parliament and their constituency. In Parliament, they debate and vote on new laws, review existing laws, and question the Government. In the constituency, their focus is on supporting local people and championing local issues. They have a small staff team who help with casework, maintain their diaries, and monitor their inbox.
TheyWorkForYou is run by mySociety, a small UK charity.
We're a very efficient operation and do a lot with a small team. At the moment TheyWorkForYou, which is used by millions of people each year, is run with less than the equivalent of one full-time person.
If we had a bit more money, we could achieve a lot more.
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Labour MP for Birkenhead
Entered the House of Commons on 6 May 2010 — General election
Also represented Wirral South
Alison McGovern campaigned to remain in the European Union Source: BBC
The unemployment rate has fallen slightly over the last 12 months, by 0.1%pts to 4.2%. The unemployment rate does not capture everyone who is out of work. The economic inactivity rate has increased by 0.7%pts, equivalent to 350,000 people, over the same period. Economic inactivity due to long-term sickness is at a near-record high at 2.8m.
Getting people into work and helping them to progress at work is central to growing the economy. As part of our growth mission, the Government will produce a Get Britain Working White Paper, to set out the policy framework for delivering on our manifesto commitments.
Statistics for the total number of people living in relative and absolute poverty are not available at a constituency level. Statistics on the total number of people in living in relative and absolute poverty both before and after housing costs at regional level are published annually in the Households Below Average Income statistics Households below average income (HBAI) statistics - GOV.UK...
More of Alison McGovern’s recent appearances
RSS feed (?)Note for journalists and researchers: The data on this page may be used freely, on condition that is cited as the source.
This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.
For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.
Profile photo: © Parliament (CC-BY 3.0)