Mr William Small

Former MP for Glasgow Garscadden

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr William Small is a former MP for Glasgow Garscadden.

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Former MP for Glasgow Garscadden

Entered the House of Commons on 8 October 1959 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 18 January 1978 — Died

Also represented Glasgow Scotstoun

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Schedule 10: Matters within Legislative Compe Tence of Assembly, and within Powers of Scottish Executive. 17 Jan 1978

    I enter into debate in terms of the Oedipus syndrome.. I do not know the difference between the old Italian school, which relied on the stethoscope, and those who relied on the horoscope. The difference here is this. It is purely auto-suggestion—a kind of Freudian penicillin—that in Scotland, under a devolved Parliament, we should alter the law. There is no suggestion that that is a...
  • Orders of the Day — Scotland Bill: Devolved Matters 11 Jan 1978

    I know that I have a quaint way of expressing myself on occasions, and probably it will happen again today in terms of devolved power and the status quo. If one looks at Ireland as a philosopher, what does one find? It was created because one party would not commit political bigamy. That was the difference between the two camps, and we got the result in the Government of Ireland Act 1920. We...
  • Orders of the Day — Scotland Bill: Scottish Consolidated Fund and Loans Fund 10 Jan 1978

    I should like to comment on the absenteeism and the escapology of the sages of the Tory Party on this amendment. All the important names are missing from the amendment. It has been left to a few lightweights to introduce this matter. The Leader of the Opposition was in Scotland during the recess and I am surprised that she did not go to Edinburgh. I believe that Edinburgh will become the...

More of Mr William Small’s recent appearances

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