Mr Stuart Randall

Former MP for Kingston upon Hull West

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Stuart Randall is a former MP for Kingston upon Hull West.

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Former MP for Kingston upon Hull West

Entered the House of Commons on 9 June 1983 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 8 April 1997 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Bill [Lords]: Church of England (General Synod) (Measures) 17 Mar 1997

    I am pleased that the Measure has been accepted, and that the Committee is content with it. The link between the commissioners and the Synod through the House has been maintained in a most gracious way by the right hon. Member for Selby (Mr. Alison) during his term as Second Church Estates Commissioner. I have often thought that the right hon. Gentleman, with his red book, was like a Minister...
  • European Union 29 Jan 1997

    Did not the heads of state refer in that preamble to the ever closer union of their peoples?
  • European Union 29 Jan 1997

    But the Single European Act went way beyond trade. It was about co-operation as well as trade.

More of Mr Stuart Randall’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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