Miss Megan Lloyd George

Former MP for Carmarthen

About your former Member of Parliament

Miss Megan Lloyd George is a former MP for Carmarthen.

What you can do


Former MP for Carmarthen

Entered the House of Commons on 30 May 1929 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 14 May 1966 — Died

Also represented Anglesey

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Wales 4 Nov 1965

    I will not follow the hon. and learned Member for Montgomery (Mr. Hooson) in his very interesting remarks, particularly those on technological education in Wales. However, I should like to add to what he said about the intervention in the debate of the right hon. Member for Monmouth (Mr. Thorneycroft). The right hon. Gentleman has been a Welsh Member in the technical and full sense for about...
  • Wales 4 Nov 1965

    All I can say to that is that there is some lack in communication between the usual channels in the hon. Gentleman's party if he did not know about that. The Government have shown a practical regard for Wales by appointing a Secretary of State for the first time and a Minister of State in the House and an Under-Secretary of State and a Swyddfa Gymreig in Whitehall. I realise that there is...
  • Wales 4 Nov 1965

    I think that everyone would acknowledge that instead of having a Minister who was merely in touch with the Welsh Office we now have three Ministers who have regularly and consistently journeyed to Wales and who are in touch with the problems on the spot. That certainly was not possible when the Minister for Welsh Affairs in the Conservative Government was also burdened with the duties of the...

More of Miss Megan Lloyd George’s recent appearances

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