Former MP for Croydon East
Mr Herbert Williams is a former MP for Croydon East.
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Former MP for Croydon East
Entered the House of Commons on 29 October 1924 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 25 July 1954 — Died
Also represented Croydon South; Reading
There is a recommendation which involves legislation, but effect could be given to the same idea in part by setting up a House Committee. The other thing might follow later on. If the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Ipswich (Mr. Stokes) talked about a House Committee, he would get out of his difficulty.
I shall not follow the hon. Member for Leeds, West (Mr. Pannell) into all his history, because much of it did not very directly concern the recommendations made. I do not think that there are today any scandals in connection with appointments in this building. We went into that fairly exhaustively and I think that we were all satisfied that the methods of appointment were not open to...
I thought it was right that I should say here what I have said in the privacy of the Committee Room upstairs. The proposal to build over the Star Court is a very valuable one and I hope that that will be considered. It will be possible to do it with great economy, since the damaged colonnade has got to be rebuilt and it merely means putting a new room on the top. That would be a most...
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