Mr Henry Brooke

Former MP for Hampstead

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Henry Brooke is a former MP for Hampstead.

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Former MP for Hampstead

Entered the House of Commons on 24 November 1938 — unknown

Left the House of Commons on 10 March 1966 — General election

Also represented Lewisham West

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Comprehensive Schools 2 Mar 1966

  • Orders of the Day — Comprehensive Schools 2 Mar 1966

    The House has been waiting to hear from the hon. Gentleman the reasons which he said he would give us in favour, on education grounds, of a universal system of comprehensive education. He has utterly and lamentably failed to give us that. He rested his case exclusively on the weakness of the 11-plus examination, as though he had never heard of any other systems of selection. I believe in...
  • Orders of the Day — Refreshment Houses 22 Feb 1966

    I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the Refreshment Houses Acts, 1860 and 1964; and for purposes connected therewith. I can hardly claim this as a maiden speech, as it is 28 years since I first entered the House and I have introduced a great number of Government Bills in the meantime. However, this is the first occasion on which I have sought to introduce a Private...

More of Mr Henry Brooke’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.