Former MP for Lewisham North
Sir Austin Hudson is a former MP for Lewisham North.
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Former MP for Lewisham North
Entered the House of Commons on 15 November 1922 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 29 November 1956 — Died
Also represented Hackney North; Islington East
I suggest that we should consider at the same time, the new Clause in the name of the hon. Member for Midlothian (Mr. Pryde), "Exemption of Highland Games from Entertainments Duty"; the new Clause in the name of the right hon. Member for West Bromwich (Mr. Dugdale), "Exemption of Association football matches from Entertainments Duty"; the new Clause in the name of the hon. Member for...
That is so.
I suggest that at the same time we should discuss the next proposed new Clause in the name of the same hon. Member, "Relief from profits tax for development of new metalliferous mines within the United Kingdom", and also the proposed new Clause in the name of the hon. Member for West Lothian (Mr. J. Taylor), "Exemption from excise duty of Scottish shale oil".
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