Mr Jerry Wiggin

Former MP for Weston-Super-Mare

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Jerry Wiggin is a former MP for Weston-Super-Mare.

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Former MP for Weston-Super-Mare

Entered the House of Commons on 27 March 1969 — unknown

Left the House of Commons on 8 April 1997 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Prayers: Dairy Industry 12 Mar 1997

    It has been the practice of the Select Committee on Agriculture, since I had the honour to become its Chairman in 1987, from time to time to examine major sectors of the agriculture industry. It had been clear for some years that we should undertake an inquiry into the dairy industry, but we felt it right to await the ending of the Milk Marketing Board's statutory monopoly before proceeding....
  • Firearms (Amendment) Bill: New clause 18 Feb 1997

    The amendment, which appeared at the 11th hour, appears to someone such as myself—I am not qualified as a barrister—to give sweeping powers to the Home Secretary. I have, however, been given an absolute undertaking that it refers only to the transition period and will help to smooth out minor irregularities and problems. Bearing in mind the fact that there are those in the shooting...
  • Firearms (Amendment) Bill: New clause 18 Feb 1997

    The argument seems to revolve very much around precedent. I am not a lawyer, but I am advised that the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 offers not only compensation in general but compensation for anticipated profit. The national compensation code deals with local authorities and Governments acquiring land, property or businesses and is being applied to businesses required to relocate or...

More of Mr Jerry Wiggin’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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