Former MP for Mid Bedfordshire
Brigadier-General William Warner is a former MP for Mid Bedfordshire.
Former MP for Mid Bedfordshire
Entered the House of Commons on 29 October 1924 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 10 May 1929 — General election
10. asked the Minister of Transport whether he has yet received the Report of the Conference on Traffic Noises; and, if so, whether he proposes to publish it?
16. asked the President of the Board of Education if, having regard to the number of accidents reported as occurring to children through motor traffic, he will consider the advisability of issuing a recommendation to all schools throughout the country that children should be repeatedly warned of the risks they incur in crossing streets and playing games in streets and roads?
Does the Noble Lady think that the instruction that has been issued throughout the country is being effectively carried out? I am aware that the accidents in London are fewer, but are they fewer throughout the country?
More of Brigadier-General William Warner’s recent appearances
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