Mr Herbert Dixon

Former MP for Belfast East

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Herbert Dixon is a former MP for Belfast East.

What you can do


Former MP for Belfast East

Entered the House of Commons on 14 December 1918 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 8 July 1939 — unknown

Also represented Belfast Pottinger

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Livestock Industry Bill. 20 Jan 1937

    On behalf of the cattle-raisers whom I represent in this House, I can definitely say that we welcome this Bill, and our reason for welcoming it is that at any rate it shows that there is going to be some continuity of policy in the matter of beef. That will be of tremendous value to the stock-raiser. The man raising stock has to look forward to at least two years before he can sell a beast,...
  • Oral Answers to Questions — Northern Ireland (Imperial Contribution). 30 Jul 1935

    Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that North Ireland has contributed over £20,000,000 to the Imperial Exchequer during the 15 years that it has been in existence, which is more than the whole of Ireland contributed from the time of the Union down to 1920?
  • Oral Answers to Questions — Northern Ireland (Preservation of Order). 24 Jul 1935

    Is my right hon. Friend aware that the statement made by the hon. Member is entirely incorrect and that no ban was put upon Orange processions; and might I ask further if it is not a fact that Northern Ireland is part and parcel of the British Empire and that, therefore, the civil authority has exactly the same powers of calling upon the troops as the civil authority in London, Glasgow,...

More of Mr Herbert Dixon’s recent appearances

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