Mr George Ridley

Former MP for Clay Cross

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr George Ridley is a former MP for Clay Cross.

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Former MP for Clay Cross

Entered the House of Commons on 5 November 1936 — unknown

Left the House of Commons on 4 January 1944 — Died

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • India (Food Situation) 4 Nov 1943

    Does the right hon. Gentleman wish to tell the House that the sub-nutritional standard of the Indian peasant and thousands of deaths are due to a form of local government only a few years old?
  • India (Food Situation) 4 Nov 1943

    Most Members who have so far taken part in this Debate, and I have no doubt most other Members who will take part, have done so with a background of personal and administrative experience in India itself which I cannot claim to have enjoyed. I speak only as a warmly sympathetic observer of the Indian people. With regard to the intervention which the hon. and gallant Member for Wycombe (Sir A....
  • India (Food Situation) 4 Nov 1943

    For reasons which I hope will be obvious to the hon. and gallant Member, I do not wish to pursue this point. It is the fact in this great tragedy that the air is thick with chickens coming home to roost. No one can read the White Paper without gathering the impression that this terrible tragedy in India is surrounded by a mixture of hopeless gloom and dull complacency. There was, it seems to...

More of Mr George Ridley’s recent appearances

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