Mr Ernest Gardner

Former MP for Windsor

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Ernest Gardner is a former MP for Windsor.

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Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Agriculture Bill: Clause 7. — (Compensation for Dis- turbance.) 19 Nov 1920

    I should like to say two or three words why I think this four years' penalty is very unjust. Of course, it is a platitude to say that we all condemn the capricious giver of notices to quit, but how many are there throughout the Kingdom? Does any hon. or right hon. Gentleman know of any, and, if so, how many? The other day we discussed the clause with regard to the mismanagement of estates,...
  • Orders of the Day — Agriculture Bill: Clause 7. — (Compensation for Dis- turbance.) 19 Nov 1920

    With all respect, I do not think I am doing that. However, I will deal now with Sub-section (7), which provides that the landlord is to state his reasons for giving the notice to quit. Everybody knows there may be many reasons, and good ones too, for giving notice—reasons which cannot be published. The result is the landlord does not give his reasons. If he gives notice to quit he comes...
  • Orders of the Day — Agriculture (Councils, etc.) Bill.: Clause 2. — (Duties of Councils of Agriculture.) 27 Nov 1919

    I beg to second the Amendment. I think it absolutely essential, if these councils are lo be of value, that their meetings should be held in public. I see no point in them holding them in any other way. It is useless to suppose for a moment that anything that goes on among ninety persons will do other than leak out in some form or other, and very likely in a very inaccurate form.

More of Mr Ernest Gardner’s recent appearances

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