Former MP for Birmingham, Edgbaston
Mr Neville Chamberlain is a former MP for Birmingham, Edgbaston.
Former MP for Birmingham, Edgbaston
Entered the House of Commons on 14 December 1918 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 9 November 1940 — Died
Also represented Birmingham, Ladywood
Close contact is maintained directly between the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the corresponding research departments in the Dominions. Publications and reports are exchanged, and immediate consultation is usual on all matters of common interest. Additional contacts are provided through the High Commissioners representing Dominion Governments in this country. In...
The number of inventions submitted to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is not large, and the Department's existing staff is adequate to deal quickly with those which it receives. In any event, inventions such as those relating to munitions of war, or other military, naval, air or home defence problems are referred immediately to the appropriate other Department. The second...
The Question related to inventions submitted to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. There are not many inventions submitted to that Department. There are, of course, research departments in other Departments of State, to which inventions are submitted. Questions about those should be submitted to the Ministers responsible.
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