Former MP for Kilmarnock
Hon. Alexander Shaw is a former MP for Kilmarnock.
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Former MP for Kilmarnock
Entered the House of Commons on 28 May 1915 — unknown
Left the House of Commons on 12 November 1923 — unknown
Also represented Kilmarnock District of Burghs
Would the hon. and learned Gentleman also take into consideration the fact that the Members of this House have received a very important communication from the school management committees, which shows that this is a burning question, that ought not to be taken late at night?
There have been several speeches made this afternoon which will cause considerable regret in India, but none of them will, I think, cause such profound regret as that made by one who has held the position of Secretary of State for India. I wish he had not made that speech. This question goes very deeply. His main contention was that this country could not afford not to put such an Amendment...
The question is, can we afford to make a stipulation? What is the position? Our finances at home may be gravely prejudiced by the consequences of the War. After all, there is something equally important to us as the centre of a great Empire. Can we afford to sap and to undermine the magical secret of our power in India? What is the situation? We are responsible, in a very special sense, for...
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