Former MP for Glasgow Scotstoun
Mr Arthur Young is a former MP for Glasgow Scotstoun.
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Former MP for Glasgow Scotstoun
Entered the House of Commons on 14 November 1935 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 14 August 1950 — Died
Also represented Glasgow Partick
I have been asked to reply. The Government are not proposing to publish any general paper on reconstruction. If my hon. Friend has in mind particularly the problem of full employment, I would refer him to the answer given to-day by the Prime Minister to the hon. Member for East Wolverhampton (Mr. Mander).
I have been asked to reply. The Governor of the Leeward Islands has informed my right hon. and gallant Friend of a dispute in St. Kitts arising out of the discontinuance of the annual bonus and its replacement by an equivalent increase in weekly wages. A strike was called by the Trade and Labour Union as from 17th July, My right hon. and gallant Friend is glad to say that the Governor has now...
I have been asked to reply. I assume that my hon. Friend is referring to an inquiry into nutrition in the Gold Coast, which was carried out by a medical officer of the Colony in 1940. I understand that this inquiry was, in fact, completed, but my right hon. and gallant Friend is making inquiries from the Governor.
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