Mr Robert Woof

Former MP for Blaydon

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Robert Woof is a former MP for Blaydon.

What you can do


Former MP for Blaydon

Entered the House of Commons on 2 February 1956 — unknown

Left the House of Commons on 7 April 1979 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Coal Industry Bill 2 Mar 1977

    I am very glad indeed to be called to speak following the speech of the hon. Member for How-den (Sir P. Bryan), if only for one reason. This is one of the infrequent opportunities that we have to discuss some of the vital affairs of the National Coal Board and of the coal mining industry. I wholeheartedly support the purpose of the Bill. It is imperative that we should do so in order to...
  • Orders of the Day — Economic and Energy Situation 19 Dec 1973

    In following (he hon. Member for Oxford (Mr. Woodhouse), I promise to abide by Mr. Speaker's request for brevity. From the objective of trying to grasp the impact of the present economic and energy crisis, the force of the alarming circumstances must bring a haunting sense of meaning. Confining attention on the intensive situation, the magnitude of short-time working that is unhappily...
  • Coal Mining 7 Dec 1973

    In the present situation in the mining industry, the miners want to make it clear that there is just as little comfort in it for them as there is for the rest of the nation. We are used to all the hoary arguments to the effect that, when the miners band together to hold the country to ransom and to endeavour to force their will on the Government, it is not democracy but anarchy. However, all...

More of Mr Robert Woof’s recent appearances

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