Mr Richard Soper

Former MP for Barnsley

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Richard Soper is a former MP for Barnsley.

What you can do


Former MP for Barnsley

Entered the House of Commons on 27 October 1931 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 25 October 1935 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry.: British and Polish Trade. 6 Dec 1934

    39. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has any statement to make respecting the negotiations between the British and Polish coal-owners?
  • Orders of the Day — King's Speech.: Debate on the Address. 26 Nov 1934

    I rise to oppose the Amendment. Notwithstanding all that has been said by the Opposition as to the work of the National Government, I believe that they have done good during the last three years, and, as stated in the Gracious Speech, it is hoped that the coming year will be marked by a continuance of the spirit of confidence which has enabled this country to take the lead in world recovery....
  • Orders of the Day — King's Speech.: Debate on the Address- [Fourth Day.] 27 Nov 1933

    Like previous hon. Members who have spoken, I have been several hours awaiting my turn, and I have promised to sit down as soon as possible, and not later than 9.45 p.m. I object especially to the Amendment of the Opposition in two respects. The first is the phrase: their mishandling of international and Imperial affairs…and neglecting their mandate to promote the welfare of the country. I...

More of Mr Richard Soper’s recent appearances

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