Mr Arthur Skeffington

Former MP for Hayes and Harlington

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Arthur Skeffington is a former MP for Hayes and Harlington.

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Former MP for Hayes and Harlington

Entered the House of Commons on 5 July 1945 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 18 February 1971 — Died

Also represented Lewisham West

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Peak District National Park 10 Feb 1970

    I should like to begin by saying that my hon. Friend the Member for the High Peak (Mr. Peter M. Jackson) and other hon. Members have been extremely patient about the length of time that the matter of the extension of the Peak District National Park has been under consideration. I must admit that it has taken far too long, and I shall certainly not attempt to justify the time. I hope that I...
  • Orders of the Day — Peak District National Park 10 Feb 1970

    I can assure my hon. Friend that having gone through all the informal consultations, having gone through our departmental structure, the Countryside Commission and so forth, the next stage with the other Departments should not take long. We are almost in a position, if the Minister desires to act in this way, to go ahead. In the meantime my hon. Friend will be glad to know that, while at one...
  • Oral Answers to Questions — Housing and Local Government: Derelict Sites (Bishop Auckland) 3 Feb 1970

    A site was reclaimed with grant aid in 1968 and another in 1969, costing £4,023 and £8,441 respectively. Approvals allowing work to start have been given for three other sites at a total estimated cost of £20,000. Two further schemes have received outline approval.

More of Mr Arthur Skeffington’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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