Mr Ernest Shepperson

Former MP for Leominster

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Ernest Shepperson is a former MP for Leominster.

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Recent appearances

  • Ex-Members (Visits to House) 14 Jun 1945

    I rise with considerable diffidence because the Debate has been on a very high level and I am now bringing it down to a very homely one. Over 20 years ago, I rose from my seat and craved the indulgence of the House for my first attempt to address it. I rise now to crave a similar indulgence for the last time that I shall ever address this House. When I sought that indulgence so many years...
  • Clause 1. — (The War Works Commission.) 11 Apr 1945

    I fully agree that this is the most important Clause in the Bill. Certain Ministers are being given power to acquire the land of this country. A Commission is to be set up, which will hear the objections to that acquisition. But that Commission will be merely an advisory body to the Minister. I desire, first, that the Commission shall represent the various interests, agricultural, town and...
  • Income Tax Bill 14 Mar 1945

    When I receive a letter from a constituent of mine appealing to me to do something to help him get further clothing, or petrol coupons, or some other thing, I take it up with the Ministry and, if I am successful, and that constituent writes to me expressing gratitude for what I have done, I have a great sense of pleasure that I have been able to do something to help. For a great many years...

More of Mr Ernest Shepperson’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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