Mr Sidney Schofield

Former MP for Barnsley

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Sidney Schofield is a former MP for Barnsley.

What you can do


Former MP for Barnsley

Entered the House of Commons on 25 October 1951 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 21 January 1953 — unknown

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Fuel and Power Resources (National Policy) 28 Oct 1952

    I am grateful for the opportunity to take part in this debate. I have already delivered my maiden speech, of course, but I have also served my apprenticeship sitting in this Chamber, in particular during the last fuel and power debate on 7th July when I entered the Chamber at half-past two and sat here until quarter-past nine without leaving for sustenance of any kind; and, unfortunately, I...
  • Orders of the Day — Miners' Welfare Bill 19 Feb 1952

    In rising to address the House for the first time, I feel that I must pay my respects to my predecessor, the late Frank Collindridge, who, I think every hon. Member will agree, was respected by all and was recognised as a good Parliamentarian. In fact, it would be most difficult for me to describe in words the love and affection which the people of his constituency felt for him arising out of...

More of Mr Sidney Schofield’s recent appearances

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