Mr Neville Sandelson

Former MP for Hillingdon Hayes and Harlington

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Neville Sandelson is a former MP for Hillingdon Hayes and Harlington.

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Former MP for Hillingdon Hayes and Harlington

Entered the House of Commons on 17 June 1971 — unknown

Left the House of Commons on 13 May 1983 — General election

Also represented Hayes and Harlington

Recent appearances

  • Saint Christopher and Nevis 5 May 1983

    I have listened, as, I am sure, have all hon. Members, with considerable interest and respect to the hon. Member for Hertford and Stevenage (Mr. Wells). He is clearly versed in the affairs of the Caribbean and the two tiny islands with which we are dealing today in a way which goes far beyond my knowledge of that area and the problems to which he has referred. I therefore await with equal...
  • National Heritage Bill [Lords]: Title 5 May 1983

    Everything that can possibly be said has been said, and I merely echo with great sincerity the sentiments that have been expressed. I agreed with the hon. Member for Staffordshire, South-West (Mr. Cormack) when he said that the Minister has been rather modest about the importance of the Bill. It is an extremely important measure and the right hon. Gentleman need not be modest about it or his...
  • National Heritage Bill [Lords]: The Commission: Government Owned and Used Scheduled Monuments and Listed Buildings 5 May 1983

    A similar new clause was debated in Committee. I hope that it will not be suggested by the Minister that I did not pay attention to what was said on that occasion. It became clear that the real point at issue was whether even the Secretary of State for the Environment had any right to interfere with the way in which his colleagues ran their Departments and was entitled to maintain any...

More of Mr Neville Sandelson’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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