Mr Peter Rost

Former MP for Erewash

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Peter Rost is a former MP for Erewash.

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Former MP for Erewash

Entered the House of Commons on 18 June 1970 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 16 March 1992 — General election

Also represented Derbyshire South East

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Finance Bill 13 Mar 1992

    Even though this will be my last speech in the House after 23 years here—not for the first time, to a Chamber that is nearly empty—I shall not detain the House by adding my praise for an excellent Budget which will help those most in need and boost our economic recovery. I should like merely to express a reservation about clauses 3 and 4 which deal with fuel taxes and car tax. Although I...
  • Oral Answers to Questions — Energy: Coal Imports 24 Feb 1992

    How is British Coal expected to compete in the privatised electricity market when the duopoly is able to close down coal-fired power stations even though they can produce cheaper electricty than the new gas turbine power stations, because the duopoly is able to pass the extra costs to consumers? Should not the regulator ensure that the extra costs for higher cost plant are not passed to...
  • Natural Gas (Imports) 30 Jan 1992

    Does the Minister accept that large energy users who have been handicapped by a monopoly supplier for far too long will welcome his important anouncement? Will he further accept that, if we do not liberalise the market and connect to the European grid, our competitor countries in Europe will, before long, benefit from substantially increased quantities of cheaper Russian gas to which we shall...

More of Mr Peter Rost’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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