Dr William O'Donovan

Former MP for Stepney Mile End

About your former Member of Parliament

Dr William O'Donovan is a former MP for Stepney Mile End.

What you can do


Former MP for Stepney Mile End

Entered the House of Commons on 27 October 1931 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 25 October 1935 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Ministry of Health. 17 Jul 1935

    Sitting as a practising doctor through this Debate I have learned that this House exercises the utmost freedom in expressing its opinions on the weather, the National Government and the medical profession. When I listen to my hon. Friend (Mr. Batey) who represents Spennymoor and the miners with equal zeal and eloquence, I find that he takes the same attitude towards my profession as the noble...
  • Orders of the Day — Ministry of Health. 17 Jul 1935

    The question of accurate reporting can be settled by reference to the OFFICIAL REPORT, but that is most certainly the impression, the slightly hurtful impression, left on my mind by the right hon. Member, and to what he says we naturally attach some measure of importance. If I have misrepresented him he knows that my apologies would be instant and my withdrawal speedy. I do not wish to...
  • Orders of the Day — Ministry of Health. 17 Jul 1935

    Well, there is a kind of high diapason note with which we are familiar, an accompaniment which is a little discomposing. Perhaps I should not hear it. To return to the point. There is to-day a tremendous propaganda to the effect that marriage need not be associated with the production of children, and once that idea becomes bitten into the public mind there is a demand that contraceptive...

More of Dr William O'Donovan’s recent appearances

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