Mr Charles McCurdy

Former MP for Northampton

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Charles McCurdy is a former MP for Northampton.

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Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — HOUSING, Etc. (No. 2) BILL. 25 Apr 1923

    I should like to join in what has been said by several speakers this afternoon, in saying that I would certainly vote for any Measure which I thought would help to provide houses. I would certainly vote for any Measure which I thought would stimulate private enterprise, as being what I believe to be the best way to get the houses that we want. I will not enter on any criticisms on minute...
  • Orders of the Day — HOUSING, Etc. (No. 2) BILL. 25 Apr 1923

    Comparing like with like as far as accommodation is concerned—I have not had time to verify my reference—and comparing the streets of artizans' dwellings in such towns as Leicester and Northampton, the cost of the production of private built houses was far lower, in some cases as much as 50 per cent. lower, than the cost of similar houses under municipal schemes. I am not suggesting that...
  • Oral Answers to Questions — Central and Eastern Europe (Transport Facilities). 27 Apr 1922

    My hon. Friend (Mr. Cecil Harmsworth) regrets that he is unable to give the information required, and would suggest that it would be useless to obtain the information now, while the Conference at Genoa is attempting to deal comprehensively with the general question of transport in Central and Eastern Europe, with a view-to re-organising the whole system.

More of Mr Charles McCurdy’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.