Former MP for Camberwell North West
Mr Thomas Macnamara is a former MP for Camberwell North West.
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Former MP for Camberwell North West
Entered the House of Commons on 1 October 1900 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 9 October 1924 — General election
Also represented Camberwell North
Will the hon. Gentleman consider the matter again, because of the great anxiety of which. many of these men, who have given efficient service—some of whom are over 40 years of age while others are over 50—and in view of the general feeling that it is not expedient to submit these men to examination, will he reconsider suspending these examinations until we can fully discuss the matter?
I can only indicate my assent. I thank the right hon. Gentleman for his very frank statement. I think I may thank him on behalf of hon. Members in all parts of the House. I am very glad to hear that it will be in such a form that we can reach a decision. I am very much obliged to the right hon. Gentleman.
I am sorry to detain the House at this late hour, but I feel I am bound to ask the attention of hon. Members for a little while to the case of the pensions which have been paid to certain ranker officers. On 13th March, on the Motion "That Mr. Speaker, do now leave the Chair," on going into Committee of Supply on the Army Estimates, my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Central Nottingham...
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