Mr Gilmour Leburn

Former MP for Kinross and West Perthshire

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Gilmour Leburn is a former MP for Kinross and West Perthshire.

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Former MP for Kinross and West Perthshire

Entered the House of Commons on 26 May 1955 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 15 August 1963 — Died

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • A.80 Road, Moodiesburn 1 Aug 1963

    Let me say straight away that I entirely agree with the hon. Lady the Member for Lanarkshire, North (Miss Herbison) that there is a road safety problem at Moodiesburn. The accident figures, some of which the hon. Lady quoted, give real cause for concern, and perhaps I might shortly put these accident figures on the record. The hon. Lady has mentioned some of them, but there are others which I...
  • A.80 Road, Moodiesburn 1 Aug 1963

    The chief constable has not yet given his recommendations to my right hon. Friend. Neither has the county council. Our proposal is to close two minor gaps in the central reservation and fence a considerable length of it—although we cannot fence up the two main gaps. Additionally, we propose fencing three corners at the junction. This would undoubtedly make conditions safer for pedestrians...
  • A.80 Road, Moodiesburn 1 Aug 1963

    At places where there is a pedestrian problem the solution must be devised having regard to the special circumstances of the site. There is no cut and dried solution which can be applied to every site but the best has to be chosen for any particular site under consideration. I want to assure the hon. Lady that we have not been complacent about this. I myself went to Moodiesburn some two...

More of Mr Gilmour Leburn’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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