Mr Frederick Kellaway

Former MP for Bedford

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Frederick Kellaway is a former MP for Bedford.

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Recent appearances

  • Wireless Broadcasting. 4 Aug 1922

    I will reply at once to the hon. Member, not because I want to interfere with any other Member who desires to speak on this subject, but because I understand that those interested in the question would like me to reply immediately, so that they may have an opportunity of making any observations on what I may say. Every occasion on which this subject is discussed in the House is, in my...
  • Wireless Broadcasting. 4 Aug 1922

    There is no protective duty. I know nothing at all about that. The profits of the broadcasting company are to be limited to 7½ per cent. We have had a good deal of difficulty in getting companies to agree to that limitation, and I think it will be admitted to be a very drastic limitation in what is necessarily a new arid difficult undertaking. But I am glad to say that I think we have got...
  • Wireless Broadcasting. 4 Aug 1922

    I control the price here. Every manufacturer in this country capable of producing wireless instruments will receive a licence from the Post Office if he conforms to the standard laid down by the Post Office. What you have to fear in this is not monopoly; it is more likely you will have cut-throat competition. Anyhow, that is the protection. Every manufacturer in this country who produces an...

More of Mr Frederick Kellaway’s recent appearances

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