Former MP for Aylesbury
Mr Thomas Keens is a former MP for Aylesbury.
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Former MP for Aylesbury
Entered the House of Commons on 6 December 1923 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 9 October 1924 — General election
The Debate, except for the last few minutes, has been largely in the hands of lawyers, who have had a great advantage in putting before us the legal point of view, but I think it is just as well to have a plain business view of the question as it presents itself to an ordinary man of business. The difficulty in which one finds oneself is that, while undoubtedly the speeches of the Prime...
Is it not a fact that the index figures of the cost of living have reference to 13 articles only, and conse- quently have very little reference, indeed, to the general expenss of such a class as is referred to in the question?
We ought to know something more about this. It is not clear how the thing stands.
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