Sir Robert Kay

Former MP for Elland

About your former Member of Parliament

Sir Robert Kay is a former MP for Elland.

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Former MP for Elland

Entered the House of Commons on 6 December 1923 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 9 October 1924 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill.: Clause 1. — (Extension of 13 and 14 Geo. 5, c. 24 to houses completed before 1st October, 1939.) 24 Jul 1924

    As one who spoke in the discussion in Committee, I think that the Minister has fully met the views of those who put the Amendment down, though not perhaps in the exact form in which we desired it, giving in this Act an explicit power of purchase. But, I think, we do, by reference to Section 1, Subsection (1, a), get the power we need. I think the expenses which are authorised by that Section...
  • Orders of the Day — Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill.: Clause 3. — (Special conditions.) 24 Jul 1924

    Many of these arrangements, we know, are made in secret, and what has occurred to me is this: What will happen if the local authority, having given their consent, discover at a later date that key money or premium money has been paid? Could the Minister see that provision is made whereby the local authority may have some power to re-establish their authority, and get back possession of the house?
  • Orders of the Day — Old Age Pensions Bill. 23 Jul 1924

    I beg to move, as an Amendment to the proposed Amendment, in line 2, to leave out the word "person" and to insert instead thereof the word "pensioner." We are dealing with the question of earnings, and if the substitution I suggest is made it will do away with some of the hardships mentioned in this Debate. I have an illustration which I received only a few days ago. An old man of 70 married...

More of Sir Robert Kay’s recent appearances

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