Former MP for Antrim
Major Samuel Haughton is a former MP for Antrim.
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Former MP for Antrim
Entered the House of Commons on 5 July 1945 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 3 February 1950 — General election
Would it not be true to say that the final settlement to which the Financial Secretary made reference might lie years ahead, five or ten years in the future?
The Lord President has said, more than once, that nationalised industries must justify themselves by performance. I think he would agree that at least three principal factors in success would be maintenance of quality, maintenance of price and maintenance of output, which should be in ever-increasing quantity at a time when we want more exports. I wonder how the great shipyards will stand...
I accept the facts given by the hon. Gentleman. But I was dealing with the division of gross profits and I think the hon. Gentleman would have been fairer if, instead of dealing with the gross profits, he had dealt with the net profits. As I say, the Lord President said that nationalised industries must depend upon their own performance. If the Minister in charge of this Bill is going to...
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