Former MP for Hexham
Mr Victor Finney is a former MP for Hexham.
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Former MP for Hexham
Entered the House of Commons on 6 December 1923 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 9 October 1924 — General election
I cannot lay claim to the high distinction of Irish blood as a reason for intervening in this Debate. I cannot even lay claim to that newly-instituted qualification of a short visit made to the boundary of Ulster within the last month. As a newcomer to this House and as one who felt almost that the Irish question had become a thing of the past, a thing of history of which he could read and...
I know. I admit there has often been mistakes made in the past. But there also should be a great deal more elasticity in the view of the South. Even if it had always been the same plea, do I understand that it has always been obeyed? Has it always been listened to?
Surely there are many terrible exceptions. Surely one does read in history of the dangerous situation which was created in Ulster in 1914? Are we to understand that there are no very dangerous exceptions? I am talking of the difficulties that were added to the administration of this Empire in very serious circumstances. Is it not idle, then, to say that it is always Ulster that has to give?...
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