Mr Maurice Edelman

Former MP for Coventry North West

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Maurice Edelman is a former MP for Coventry North West.

What you can do


Former MP for Coventry North West

Entered the House of Commons on 5 July 1945 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 14 December 1975 — Died

Also represented Coventry North; Coventry West

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Motor Cycle Industry 7 Aug 1975

    The hon. Gentleman used the phrase "modified motor cycle industry". Will he define exactly what he means by "modified"? Does he mean cutting down the existing numbers of men? That will not do anything to solve the unemployment problem. Does he advocate cutting down the volume of production, which would ultimately raise unit costs?
  • Coal Industry Bill: New Right of Board to Withdraw Support to Enable Coal to Be Worked. 15 Jul 1975

    It pains me to have to prefer the arguments of the hon. Member for New Forest (Mr. McNair-Wilson) to those put forward by my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary. I say that because I have the greatest respect for my hon. Friend. In all other respects, his judgments are cogent and compelling. I regret that his adjudication of the merits of this case seems to me to fall below the merits of the...
  • Coal Industry Bill: New Right of Board to Withdraw Support to Enable Coal to Be Worked. 15 Jul 1975

    I am sure that the Robens Agreement does apply. That has been underlined by Sir Derek Ezra. I am not so much dealing with its current application. I would like to deal with the concern felt by manufacturers in my constituency over this problem. What we are discussing is not something new. It has been going on for a long time and has been dealt with pragmatically in the past. The Robens...

More of Mr Maurice Edelman’s recent appearances

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