Former MP for St Albans
Mr Cyril Dumpleton is a former MP for St Albans.
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Former MP for St Albans
Entered the House of Commons on 5 July 1945 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 3 February 1950 — General election
Is my right hon. Friend aware that a complaint of a similar occurrence to that mentioned in the Question has been made to me from my constituency and that, upon inquiry, I was informed that the canvasser in question was a representative from the Conservative Central Office? Has my. right hon. Friend any influence to ensure that Tory canvassers really look like Tories?
asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) why the United Kingdom representative at the United Nations General Assembly, on 15th November last, voted against a resolution, which was passed by 49 votes to 1, endorsing the Trusteeship Committee's recommendations asking that the indigenous inhabitants of Trust Territories be given a greater participation in the economic life of the...
Is my hon. Friend aware that while the explanation he has now given will go some way towards allaying the concern that the full announcement of this vote in the United Nations Press release caused to many people in this country, there is a necessity for reaffirming that the policy of the Government is as in the terms put down in the Question? Also, will he use his influence with the Lord...
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