Mr Denis Coe

Former MP for Middleton and Prestwich

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Denis Coe is a former MP for Middleton and Prestwich.

What you can do


Former MP for Middleton and Prestwich

Entered the House of Commons on 31 March 1966 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 29 April 1970 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — National Health Service (Future Structure) 23 Mar 1970

    That is what my right hon. Friend said.
  • Orders of the Day — National Health Service (Future Structure) 23 Mar 1970

    The noble Lord has said that the area health board regions should be coterminous with local authority boundaries. He has rejected the unitary authorities. So that we can judge what hon. Gentlemen opposite are putting forward, could he say how many area boards there would be under his proposals?
  • Orders of the Day — National Health Service (Future Structure) 23 Mar 1970

    I am glad to follow the hon. Member for Cheadle (Dr. Winstanley), who, with his medical knowledge, always gives us the benefit of a great deal of experience in debates of this kind. The hon. Gentleman spoke of the waste which occurs under the present tripartite system, and he spoke also of the problems which parents face when they take their children to school medical officers and other...

More of Mr Denis Coe’s recent appearances

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