Former MP for Hexham
Mr Douglas Clifton Brown is a former MP for Hexham.
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Former MP for Hexham
Entered the House of Commons on 14 December 1918 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 5 October 1951 — General election
I regret to have to inform the House of the death of Eric Martin Smith, Esq., Member for Grantham, and I desire on behalf of the House to express our sense of the loss we have sustained and our sympathy with the relatives of the honourable Member.
As there is a minute or two before Black Rod comes, perhaps I might be allowed to say that, not knowing that anything was going to be said in the House of Commons about the King's illness, I, without authority, I admit, wrote to the King's Private Secretary and said that I thought it would be the wish of the present House of Commons to express sympathy with the Queen in the King's illness. I...
I have to acquaint the House that the House has been to the House of Peers, where a Commission under the Great Seal was read. The Lord High Chancellor, being one of the High Commissioners, delivered His Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, in pursuance of His Majesty's Commands as follows:
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