Mr Henry Brewis

Former MP for Galloway

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Henry Brewis is a former MP for Galloway.

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Former MP for Galloway

Entered the House of Commons on 9 April 1959 — unknown

Left the House of Commons on 20 September 1974 — General election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Energy: Coal Mining (Safety and Health) 22 Jul 1974

    Will the hon. Gentleman confirm the statement by his former colleague, Mr. George Thomson, that the British coal industry has received £23 million in the past three months to modernise equipment and improve safety? If that is the case, will the hon. Gentleman bring it to the notice of the National Union of Mineworkers?
  • Oral Answers to Questions — European Economic Community: Scotland 26 Jun 1974

    Is it not the case that one British judge at the Court of Justice, Lord Mackenzie Stuart, is a Scotsman, of the two Commissioners one is a Scotsman—Mr. George Thomson—that the British delegation to the European Parliament has about double the number of Scotsmen on it that it should have, and that if the Labour Party sent a delegation Scotland would be even more fully represented?
  • European Economic Community (Business) 26 Jun 1974

    Will the Law of the Sea Conference be discussed at the next Foreign Ministers meeting? Is it the case that British reservations have prevented a common position being debated by the EEC? What are these reservations? Are not the British Government treating the conference in a cavalier fashion?

More of Mr Henry Brewis’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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