Former MP for Portsmouth Central
Sir Thomas Bramsdon is a former MP for Portsmouth Central.
Former MP for Portsmouth Central
Entered the House of Commons on 3 May 1900 — unknown
Left the House of Commons on 9 October 1924 — General election
Also represented Portsmouth
28. asked the Home Secretary if he will consider the question of circulating official copies of the Criminal Statistics, 1922, when published, to the 250 borough benches of magistrates possessing separate commissions, in addition to sending copies to recorders and chairmen of quarter sessions according to the procedure adopted in former years, in order that all magistrates throughout the...
38. asked the First Commissioner of Works if, with a view of improving the acoustic properties of the House, and of enabling the Members and visitors the better to hear the answers to questions and the speeches generally, he will consider the advisability during the Recess of fitting loud speakers in the House, so that Members and visitors may properly understand and appreciate the subject of...
54. asked the President of the Board of Trade if any report has been received by him of an encroachment on the foreshore at Sea-view,. in the Isle of Wight; and, if so, is any and what action being taken by the Board thereon?
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