Mr Arthur Blenkinsop

Former MP for South Shields

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Arthur Blenkinsop is a former MP for South Shields.

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Former MP for South Shields

Entered the House of Commons on 5 July 1945 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 7 April 1979 — General election

Also represented Newcastle upon Tyne East

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Merchant Shipping Bill: Constitution of Commission 30 Mar 1979

    Is the hon. Gentleman aware that many of us on both sides of the House have met Trinity House representatives and have had discussions with them? They have submitted papers and various proposals. None of them has suggested the root and branch alteration and opposition that the hon. Gentleman is advancing.
  • Merchant Shipping Bill: Constitution of Commission 30 Mar 1979

    I want to intervene only very briefly, because I raised this matter in Committee. Like the hon. Member for Isle of Wight (Mr. Ross), I am concerned about the position of pilots. I believe that all of us felt that three was too few on the ground of trying to ensure geographical representation. This was the issue that many pilots put to me very strongly indeed. If we can be assured that the...
  • Merchant Shipping Bill: Alteration of Penalties 30 Mar 1979

    I intervene only briefly in this debate. This is almost certainly the last speech that I will make in the House, as I am leaving—of my own volition, I may say. There should be no misunderstanding. There is no measure of more consequence to large numbers of my constituents than this Bill. I pay a sincere tribute to the Minister for the enormous amount of work he has done, not only in...

More of Mr Arthur Blenkinsop’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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