Former MP for Kilmarnock
Mr Craigie Aitchison is a former MP for Kilmarnock.
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Former MP for Kilmarnock
Entered the House of Commons on 27 November 1929 — unknown
Left the House of Commons in 1933 — unknown
I agree with the hon. Member for West Fife (Mr. Milne) who has expressed the view that if this House were to assent to the proposed Clause the result would be to innovate on our Scottish law of arbitration which is of long standing. The fact that it is 200 years old does not of course mean that you are not to change it, but I would point out to the House what would be the effect of this new...
I beg to move, in page 2, line 27, to leave out the words, "law agent,"and to insert instead thereof the word, "solicitor.' This is one of a number of Amendments in similar terms that stand on the Paper, and the explanation of them is simple. Parliament has recently passed into law the Solicitors (Scotland) Bill, which comes into operation on the 1st March, 1934, and accordingly we have...
I beg to move, in page 3, line 36, to leave out the words "so far as is practicable,"and to insert instead thereof the words: where it is necessary in order to avoid interference with the regular sittings of any judge of the Outer House. This Amendment effects a reconstruction of paragraph (b) of Sub-section (5) of this Clause 4. It is little more than a formal matter, and the same remark...
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