Mr Harold Adams

Former MP for Wandsworth Central

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Harold Adams is a former MP for Wandsworth Central.

What you can do


Former MP for Wandsworth Central

Entered the House of Commons on 5 July 1945 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 6 May 1955 — General election

Also represented Wandsworth Balham and Tooting

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Orders of the Day — Finance Bill: Clause 1. — (Reduction of Entertainments Duty.) 18 May 1954

    A little earlier the Government Chief Whip was active in drawing all his supporters off the benches opposite back into the dressing room. I would remind the half-dozen or so hon. Members opposite who have entered the Chamber since that they may incur the displeasure of the Patronage Society, and the hon. and gallant Member for Buckingham (Sir F. Markham) will, no doubt, be carpeted tomorrow...
  • Orders of the Day — Finance Bill: Clause 1. — (Reduction of Entertainments Duty.) 18 May 1954

    The Chancellor said that he had been glad to learn about some of the more intimate workings of the Labour Party. However, he did not go on to say anything about the workings of the Tory Party. We in the Labour Party conduct our affairs openly and democratically—
  • Orders of the Day — Finance Bill: Clause 1. — (Reduction of Entertainments Duty.) 18 May 1954

    I have no intention, Major Anstruther-Gray, of dwelling at any length upon the internal difficulties of the Tory Party. But in view of the Chancellor's opening remarks, I thought I might be permitted to say something from this side of the Committee about what we see on the other side. I leave it there, but hope that the Financial Secretary will transgress a little by telling us something of...

More of Mr Harold Adams’s recent appearances

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