Former DUP MP for Strangford
Iris Robinson is a former MP for Strangford.
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Former DUP MP for Strangford, Former DUP MLA for Strangford
Entered the House of Commons on 7 June 2001 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 13 January 2010 — Resigned
Entered the Assembly on 25 June 1998 — General election
Left the Assembly on 12 January 2010 — Resigned
To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on how many occasions illicit alcoholic beverages have been found in the Sperrin unit of HM Prison Magilligan in the last five years.
To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) how many sex offenders were housed in dormitory accommodation in HM Prison Magilligan (a) in the nine months up to August 2009 and (b) on the latest date for which figures are available; on what authority they were so housed; and what steps have been taken to move them to single cell accommodation; (2) how many sex offenders have...
The decision will grate on the people of Northern Ireland, who for years have witnessed political and judicial protection for IRA terrorist murderers who fled to America and were never extradited despite many requests. In the light of that, will the Secretary of State reconsider his view?
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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.
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