Former Conservative MP for Louth and Horncastle
Peter Tapsell is a former MP for Louth and Horncastle.
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Former Conservative MP for Louth and Horncastle
Entered the House of Commons on 8 October 1959 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 30 March 2015 — General election
Also represented Linsey East; Horncastle; Nottingham West
May I assure my right hon. Friend—[Interruption.]
May I assure my right hon. Friend that I am not a paid trade union official but I fear that if Members of the House are not allowed a second job, membership of it will soon be largely confined to the inheritors of substantial fortunes or to those with rich spouses, or to obsessive crackpots or those who are unemployable anywhere else?
May I put it to the Prime Minister that from President Monroe onwards it has been generally acknowledged by leaders of great powers that, for the avoidance of war, it is often wise to acknowledge the concept of traditional spheres of authority and power; and that although Ukraine is of absolutely no significant strategic importance to Britain, Greece most certainly is; and that unless western...
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Profile photo: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0