Christine Russell

Former Labour MP for City of Chester

Register of Members’ Interests

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Last updated: 12 Apr 2010.

6. Overseas visits
Name of donor: Government of Colombia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: Bogota, Colombia
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £3,000-£4,000
Destination of visit: Colombia
Date of visit: 16-21 August 2009
Purpose of visit: to discuss foreign and security policies, human rights issues, drug trafficking, poverty reduction programmes
(Registered 12 October 2009)
Name of donor: Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Address of donor: Shoura Council, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £5000
Destination of visit: Saudi Arabia
Date of visit: 2 - 6 October 2009
Purpose of visit: to discuss international relations, UK-Saudi trade/education, training and research partnerships with members of the Shoura Council and Ministers.
(Registered 31 October 2009)

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