Mike O'Brien is a former MP for North Warwickshire.
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Former Labour MP for North Warwickshire
Entered the House of Commons on 9 April 1992 — General election
Left the House of Commons on 12 April 2010 — General election (stood again)
The information is not available in the format requested. However, capital expenditure on buildings and dwellings for the East Lancashire Hospitals Trust (which includes Burnley General Hospital) for the years 2002-03 to 2008-09 is shown in the following table: £000 Tangible fixed assets-Purchased additions Buildings excluding dwellings Dwellings 2008-09 5,472 141 ...
The data requested are not available in the format required. However, information on the number of general practitioners (GPs) (excluding retainers and registrars) between 2002-09 at Stockport Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Tameside and Glossop PCT is shown in the following table: 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Stockport PCT 170 177 182 186 190 195 195 ...
The Government have put in place a programme of national health service investment and reform since 1997 to improve service delivery in all parts of the United Kingdom. 93 per cent. of people nationally now rate the NHS as good or excellent. The NHS Constitution contains 25 rights and 14 pledges for patients and the public including new rights to be treated within 18-weeks, or be seen by a...
Note for journalists and researchers: The data on this page may be used freely, on condition that TheyWorkForYou.com is cited as the source.
This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.
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