Mr Patrick Nicholls

Former Conservative MP for Teignbridge

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Patrick Nicholls is a former MP for Teignbridge.

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Former Conservative MP for Teignbridge

Entered the House of Commons on 9 June 1983 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 14 May 2001 — General election

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Foot and Mouth 3 May 2001

    The very measured tones in which the right hon. Gentleman has talked about the problem today represent a marked contrast with the reported comments of the Prime Minister, who is said effectively to have remarked that the crisis is over. The case in Wiveliscombe has been referred to, and MAFF has already identified 15 dangerous contacts. Does the right hon. Gentleman accept that, if the...
  • Road Traffic 24 Apr 2001

    I shall be brief, not from any uncharacteristic compassion for the sentiments of the House, but simply because I want to enjoy the spectacle of the Minister, who is a popular and intelligent person, having to justify the wholly unjustifiable. I have not always led a blameless life. I have been in the House for 18 years, but before that, I was a humble country lawyer—or at least, I was a...
  • Orders of the Day — Adjournment (Easter) 10 Apr 2001

    The unfolding tragedy of the foot and mouth crisis clarifies a number of issues. The first is that it is abundantly clear that Ministers cannot be blamed for the outbreak of foot and mouth. In due course, if the Minister for the Environment is right, there will be a public inquiry into the outbreak. Indeed there should be a public inquiry; after such an event, we have to discover the lessons...

More of Mr Patrick Nicholls’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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