Social Democratic and Labour Party MLA for Belfast South
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Social Democratic and Labour Party MLA for Belfast South
Entered the Assembly on 11 January 2020 — appointed
Earlier today, Minister, you said that you would not be proceeding with stand-alone hate crime legislation. That comes after a summer of some of the most shocking race hate that the region has seen. I think that many people in ethnic minority communities and religious minorities will feel let down. How can you say that there is not enough time to proceed with a stand-alone hate crime Bill...
T1. Mr O'Toole asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister, in light of the fact that a Lough Neagh action plan was published some weeks ago, albeit with mostly non-binding actions, to state whether, when finalised, the Programme for Government will commit to the creation of an independent environmental protection agency, especially because, although the draft Programme for Government...
We are now getting to the heart of it: clearly, in certain specific and very important areas, there is not Executive agreement. That is fine, but it has taken us a few hours to get to that point. Something that is not mentioned at all in the draft Programme for Government is the language commissioner and the associated strategy and work. After consultation, and if the Irish language bodies...
More of Matthew O'Toole’s recent appearances
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