Questions to the Mayor of London – answered at on 25 January 2022.
Now that the Greater London Authority’s core list of key workers for priority access to intermediate housing has been published, can you outline the next steps involved with working with local authorities to implement the housing allocation guidance?
I work collaboratively with local authorities to ensure that local housing policies are in general conformity with my London Housing Strategy, as required of councils under the GLA Act 1999. My housing team meets regularly with colleagues from London's local authorities, emphasising the aim to provide Londoners with transparency and consistency in accessing intermediate housing, and the recommendation to adopt my key worker list. Forthcoming planning guidance will strengthen this expectation in relation to London Plan Policy H6
Local authorities and housing providers use varied approaches to determine access to intermediate housing. Housing proposals which seek funding or planning support from the GLA should reference the eligibility criteria for the Mayor’s preferred affordable housing tenures, including household income caps (updated in the London Plan Annual Monitoring Report), and policy recommendations for allocations policy such as my key worker list. Where GLA capital funding is awarded, my funding guidance states that housing providers are expected to adopt an equitable and targeted allocation process for all intermediate housing, having regard to regional and local eligibility criteria and established definitions of housing need.